
Telephone: 305.606.5093


1108 Kane Concourse
Suite 207
Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154

Neuropsychological Assessment

A Neuropsychologist is a psychologist who specializes in understanding, measuring, and treating conditions involving the brain. Brain disorders tend to affect a person's thinking and behavior. A neuropsychological evaluation is usually requested by physicians when a patient has complaints involving their memory or other thinking abilities. These symptoms may be caused by a head injury or stroke, Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias, seizure disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, ADHD and learning disabilities, as well as other conditions. The information obtained from a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation is helpful to physicians in clarifying a diagnosis, documenting functioning, and choosing appropriate treatment options.

Dr. Grossman performs competency evaluations in cases of developmental disability, traumatic brain injuries, dementias, or any other neurologic condition that may affect decision-making capacity. It may be important for family members, physicians, and attorneys to know whether or not a person has the ability to make decisions regarding medical, legal, and financial matters. Dr. Grossman also conducts medicolegal evaluations.