
Telephone: 305.606.5093


1108 Kane Concourse
Suite 207
Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154

Health Psychology

Health Psychology provides a holistic perspective to health and wellness. Health psychologists work with patients who are diagnosed with medical conditions. They help patients cope with underlying psychological issues such as stress, depression, and anxiety. In addition to traditional clinical psychology training, health psychologists are trained to understand disease processes and physiology and how the mind and body can work together with the goal of improving a patient's overall health and quality of life.

Health Psychologists use treatments involving cognitive-behavioral therapy, stress management, and relaxation training. These types of treatments are particularly beneficial for patients who have been diagnosed with a wide range of conditions, including Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Gastrointestinal Disorders, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, and HIV Disease, among others. Dr. Grossman consults with physicians, nutritionists, and physical therapists when indicated, to coordinate care for her patients. She also works with caregivers and families of patients to help alleviate the stress that is often associated with their challenging roles.


Dr. Grossman provides psychotherapy to adolescent, adult, and geriatric patients.  Individuals seeking this type of treatment are often struggling with difficult life circumstances and feelings.  With the help and guidance of a skilled therapist, patients can change negative beliefs and habits and adapt new ways of coping.  This enables them to move forward and live more consciously and purposefully, while feeling less distressed.  Dr. Grossman is experienced in working with patients who have many types of problems.  These include depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and binge eating disorder.  In addition, she has extensive experience with the psychological aspects of chronic medical diseases and disabilities, caregiver stress, learning disorders, sexual abuse, abandonment, and other psychological trauma, PTSD, life transitions, relationship issues, divorce, and bereavement.

Psychotherapy sessions may be conducted via teletherapy.